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Common Questions

Have questions? We have answers. Review our FAQ’s below and if you still have questions contact us. We’re here to help.

  • Do you share my pre-listed DATA?

    Yes and No. As a customer who pre-lists their home, the address is not shared until you change the status of your home, at which point the address is then live and potential buyers can see it. The only data that is being shared is the Zip Code. Once the pre-listing is going to be listed for sale the buyers in that zip code will be notified and given the address. If that buyer has their settings acknowledging they want to be contacted in the event that property is listed for sale they will then be contacted via email or other forms of communication implemented within the system.

  • Why do I not see a lot of properties on my search? is a brand new non-MLS company unlike any other brand. We are a consumer to consumer website that launched June of 2018. Give it time, we feel a national audience is right around the corner.

  • If I have a technical question whom do I contact?

    When you are at, please click the contact button and fill out the Form. We are usually able to get return emails within 24-48 hours.

  • How long does it take for my home to be Pre-Listed?

    In most cases within a few hours of clicking “Submit for Review.” During this process we make sure the address is removed from the pictures and of course anything that shows nudity, profanity, or harmful images. The images are also scrubbed of any geo-location settings that may exist. Once all this has been taken care of we approve the Pre-Listing and let you the consumer watch at your leisure on your terms without any contracts.

  • Didn’t get an answer? We’re here to help.

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